Staking CHR

How it Works:

  • Staking Process: Users stake their CHR tokens on Chromia's staking platform. The XOOB interface detects these staked tokens in the user's connected wallet.

  • Point Allocation: Based on the amount of CHR tokens staked, users are awarded a corresponding amount of XOOB Points. During Quest Seasons, users receive 10% points for up to 10,000 CHR staked, yielding up to 1,000 points daily. During Non-Quest Seasons, users receive 10% points for up to 5,000 CHR staked, yielding up to 500 points daily.

  • Periodic Rewards: Users receive XOOB Points daily as long as their tokens remain staked. This structure encourages consistent participation and ensures users are rewarded for their engagement.

For a quick tutorial on how to stake your CHR, please refer to this guide on our official Twitter/X account.

Last updated