NFT Sale

  • NFT Sale: The XOOB NFT Mystery Box launchpad offers a unique opportunity for games and players to partner with us and reach a new audience of potential players. Each XOOB sale event has boxes sorted into two categories: those sold at full price and those sold at a discounted price (or even given away for free) to community members who utilize XOOB Points. The format for each sale is chosen by the partner project that organizes the sale event.

  • Auction Mechanics: In an auction sale, users can bid an arbitrary number of XOOB Points above a preset minimum bid (i.e., 100 XOOB Points). The top N bids will win a whitelist slot for the discounted sale, where N is the number of NFTs offered at the discounted price. Users who enter bids but do not make it to the whitelist can reclaim their unused XOOB Points at the end of the event.

  • Raffle Mechanics: In a random distribution sale, users stake XOOB Points in order to enter a raffle. The more XOOB Points a user stakes, the higher their chance of being selected. If a user is selected, their XOOB Points are burned, and they receive the associated benefits on the NFT mystery box. If a user is not selected, they are able to receive their XOOB Points back by un-staking them at the conclusion of the event.

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